Investing in You: A Month of Self Reflection Moments for Caregivers

As we embark on a new month, some of us are emerging from the depths of winter, while others are facing longer, darker nights. Regardless of our circumstances, it’s an opportune time to reflect on how we care for ourselves.

Challenge yourself to believe self-care isn’t so much a practice that takes time, as it is a practice that takes persistence.

As a single parent of an adult who still requires significant support, with minimal external help and no immediate family besides my almost 80-year-old mother, finding time for myself, which is a form of self-care for me, is a deliberate and crucial practice I need to keep me centred.

In 2018, I stumbled upon a Revolutionary Self-Care Challenge that was updated to an Invitation during the pandemic. I came across it again in a Facebook memory, and felt compelled to revisit it. I love that instead of framing it as a challenge, it as an invitation. A challenge sounds like work, an invitation sounds softer.

Instead of doing it alone, I thought why not invite others to join me on this journey to explore each day’s invitation. These prompts cover a range of topics including connection, boundaries, creativity, reflection, health, and gratitude … demonstrating the diverse ways we can nurture ourselves.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to what self-care is. Dedicating time each day to pause and reflect is a meaningful act of self-care in and of itself.

I did an affirmation ‘challenge’ last month. It covered a lot of ground but the promise one would be changed was a bit unrealistic given the depth and variety of information presented. I will likely take a year to give it the time it deserves. That may become part of my daily practice, but before I decide, I thought I’d revisit these invitations.

If you care to, we kick off Day One with a powerful invitation: create a new playlist. Music has a transformative power — it can soothe, energize, and evoke cherished memories.

You can craft a playlist that resonates with you, whether it’s calming, uplifting, or reflective. If you already have a favorite playlist, give it a listen today, or take the opportunity to curate a new one. If you don’t have time to create or listen to a playlist, is there one song that you can listen to at the start or end of a day?

During the pandemic, I discovered a YouTube channel featuring artists outside my usual taste. Despite the unfamiliarity, I found solace and connection in the songs. They became my refuge from the overwhelming news cycle, offering a gentler start to each day.

There will be some days I will share an accompanying blog post but not every day … so if you’d like to follow along, please check out my Facebook page @allaboutfasd for all the daily invitations.

Please do not put any pressure on yourself to respond to every invitation. If you read each post, that is enough. If you do one a week or only one, that’s enough. If you are looking to dedicate to a daily practice, I hope you find inspiration. If there is something you already want to do, why not use the next month to devote some time to that?

As a new season begins: My wish for you is courage despite fear. Take time, gather what you need. Dig deep. Uncover your dreams. Plant seeds of determination. Let them stir and unfurl and sprout. Shower them with confidence to grow. Be unapologetically you. May this be a season of new beginnings. A new beginning where you take time for you.

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